Purple Bow Tie

Selasa, 02 September 2014

Me, You, and We

Hai guys, kali inii mau ngepost tentang hal yang kemungkinan banyak dialamin orang, entah itu bener apa gak tapi serius ini yang udah lama aku rasain.

Ada satu titik dimana kita seolah ngeliat kebelakang, terus sadar kalau temen - temen yang dulu barengan satu persatu pada hilang.
Is it just me? Ok

Dari yang mau nyapa tinggal nyapa. Sampe kalau mau chat/nelp mesti nanya dulu sibuk apa enggak.

Dari yang asal main tag foto - foto aib sampe yang mau ikut komen aja ragu, gara gara banyak komen dari temen - temen barunya.

Sampe masing - masing udah sibuk sendiri. Kalau udah kayak gini, ya nggak bisa nyalahin siapa - siapa.
Emang masanya udah habis, dan cuma bisa bilang "Sukses la bro and sist, see you on top :)"

The first thing you'll realize, when you wake up on the next day is: It's all gonee........
All the good things, will it ends?
Sure, it will:)))

Sooo, enjoy every moment with all of your best friends. We never know, maybe it last.

And this to you my friend, I miss you so much:(

Dear Best friend.
You're stupid, you fail, you're weird. you're not perfect. But, Thats okay. I'm like that, too.
We laugh at the randomest things. You know my ugliest side. Even though we disagree sometimes, we never fight.
When I'm sad, you were always there to make sure I'm okay. Thanks for being there for me.
I love you guys:)